Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Adios Costa Rica

My last day in Costa Rica! Tommorow I catch a 2pm flight back to Hotlanta. Wont get home til midnight, but my trip folks....has come to an end! By the way I love these ...... apparently!

So yesterday was an amazing day for me. In two ways.

1) I caught 10+ waves!!!!!! Yes I surfed I surfed I surfed!!! One of my new buddies here Kyle, a surfer/skier from Colorado, hurt his foot surfing and offered to help me out with a minisurf lession. Well he was so helpful! Santa Teresa is NOT the best place for beginners to learn. The waves break harshly and They're back to back. So he helped me get out into the good surf area and I missed the first 2 waves. But after than I stood up and stayed up every time after! Later he left and when I went out on my own I got up 2 out of 3 times. So I was rocking it! So excited! Totally got my $5 worth!!

2) I did it. I went back to Mal Pais. Went back to the spot of my attack and rewalked my path. It was hard to tell the exact spot. Why you may ask? I'll explain in a second. So anyways I decided to go out the the beach and re walk my path. Aka from the beach to gravel path then to road and then to surf camp. So went back to the start point of my attack. But the minute I hit the beach I remembered all those feelings and thoughts going through my head 4 years ago. Being alone and unprepared. Not sure where I was going to travel next. I started to cry as I remienced . Not tears of sorrow,but tears of joy. I realized I had come so far since 4 years ago. I was now walking the beach with happiness in my heart. I didn't realize how much I had grown since then. I recollected seashells, then walked back along the beach back to the fallen tree by the path where one of my attackers was sitting on. I proceeded through the gate (even though it is no longer used since the path was widened now) and the got chills. I remembered everything. The minute I started looking at the path from that previous view I remembered the spot, even though the path had been widened. I didn't cry, I just felt. Let tose feelings from 4 years ago take over me. The fear, the fight or flight take over again. Not knowing where my life was going. Was I about to die? Was I about to raped? Was I never going to see my family and friends again? I took a moment to let those feelings take over again....and then let pass. Let them go. Those feelings a fear being replaced now with courage and strength. It was crazy how far the road was from my attack. It was crazy that I was able to get away. I forgot how far i had to run. I was so proud of myself. I was so young when it happened. Barely 21. How much strength I was able to have at that age. To fight for my life. All by myself. I also couldn't help but think how blessed I was. I didn't just let the attack rule my life. It took some time, but 4 years later here I am. So much wiser, such a better traveler, and no longer a scared little 21 year old.

So I went back onto the main road I proceeded up to surf camps drive way. Chills everywhere. It was such a far run! I went back and actually got to meet the owner of the place. I thanked him. For having such an amazing staff and how helpful they were 4 years ago. I asked about the road and it being widened. He told me they widened the path into a road so you can see the street from the beach. They did this because of my attack 4 years ago......... Crazy eh? I'm glad I was able to have such a positive influence on the community.

Anyways sorry for the long post. But I am so happy I went back to Mal Pais. If I hadn't gone I would never have had the chance to realize how far I have come in life. I am so happy to be me!

I love you all and I will see you all Thursday,

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