Friday, April 8, 2011

One for my homies

Getting inevitable truth. Seems so mythical and hard to grasp when your still young and healthy. Just got a phone call from my father and it turns out my grandmother may have colon cancer. Also just got off the phone with my mother and my honey bubby is having to go to a nursing home. So surreal when these times start to arrive. As a child you always know that one day your grandparents wont be there anymore, but regardless you still take their visits for granted. Or maybe forget to call them as much as you planned too. Sadly it takes experiences like this to finally get a fire under your ass. These women are so amazing and I can't imagine not having them in my life anymore. I hate the idea of losing them. I wish I could go back and spend a few more summer breaks with them or call them a few more times. However I can't. BUT what I can do is start the cycle now. Start listening to their stories about what their parents and grandparents were like. I want to hear stories from their childhood, adolescences. Maybe hear about their summer romances, and what their hopes and dreams were. I want to be able to pass these memories on to my kids someday.
Luckily, I still have time to call them and visit them and I feel so blessed that I have made this realization now versus later. We all should stop for a minute and take in these moments. You never know when it will be your last chance.

I love you grandma and honey bubbe!!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Are you there blogspot? It's me Lisa

I always love hearing about my family and our history. Made me think what the heck am I doing not keeping a blog?! Someday my family can look back at this and see just how crazy I was. Gotta have some evidence right? So here goes. I am going to start updating this thing for family, friends, and also attempt to create my little "heirloom". Please excuse the run on sentences, incomplete sentences, horrible use of grammar, and flat out embarrassing attempt at writing. I cheated my way through english lit, and I am so thankful I had nerd friends to help me do it. If I could go back in time I'd do it again!

So to catch you up I moved to Santa Monica,California January 28th of this year. Only took me 7 years, but I am finally a Cali resident!! The journey to get here was profound and I will describe it in a later post. It's something in my life that I am still trying to wrap my fingers around. I've been here two months now, and I have wondered...when is it going to finally hit that this isn't a vacation? When am I going to feel like this is home?! I lived in San Diego last summer and the whole time it felt like a vacation. So far Santa Monica has felt the same, but it shouldn't. I mean I officially move here right?!

So I got her and I felt like a month later still felt like a tourist... almost two month later and yeah still felt like a tourist...and now BAM that time has finally come. Got to see one of best friends Sera this weekend, my brother from another mother Daren, and my old bjj teammates from Alliance. It felt like old times back in Atlanta and it felt so good to be around two of my best friends. Felt like we were on a vacation to California. (Yes let's see how many more time I can say felt grammar police!!!!!). Felt felt felt felt FEEELLLLT. So after their last night here we went and had an amazing family style dinner at a Japanese restaurant. It was epic in my book. The laughs, the language, and crap just everything about that night rocked. We all were all 100% being ourselves, unfiltered without a care in the world. I wish I could relive that moment every week. I felt so blessed to have these amazing people in my life. Later on came the inevitable good byes. Dropped Sera off at her hotel and the feeling started from there.... Took Daren and Alec to the airport and then it officially hit...... I wasn't going home with them. Georgia was no longer home. California was no longer this vacation. Wow......

I drove back to my apartment in Santa Monica and got a little teary eyed. It finally hit that the people who mean the most to me are now over 1000 miles away. People I trust with all my heart and soul I will only see maybe once a year now if I am lucky. It was hard to finally realize this.....that was until I woke up this morning. I walked lady to the dogpark and immediately as I walked out of my apartment I was greeted by the sun, and the beach. Wow! The only way to describe by new path is by a new word I created. Workcation. I am on a permanent WORKcation.

So moral of my ADD rambling? I have realized even more that I am one lucky bastard. I get to wake up to the beach everyday and I have some of the most amazingly fantastic boombastic best friends in world. As much as I miss them they will always always be a huge part of my life no matter the distance. And with time I hope to make friends like them here in Cali too. =)

I miss you all so freakin' much! (But I still don't miss Georgia.) = P
